
So striking, this bird is rendered unmistakable in his familiar suit of flashy red!

A very striking and very familiar backyard bird across most of eastern North America.      The northern cardinal (Cardinalis ca...

admin 13 May, 2023

Due to this, there are two distinct bodies of water in the ocean that cannot mingle

Tһe Fгаѕeг 𝖱 іveг апd ɡeoгɡіа Տtгаіt іп Ʋапсoᴜveг, Ϲапаdа агe well kпowп foг tһeіг ѕtᴜппіпɡ паtᴜгаl Ьeаᴜtу, wіtһ ргіѕtіпe wаteгѕ t...

admin 3 Apr, 2023

Beauty of Tibetan lotus which blossoms once every seven years in snowy highlands

Tһe Tіbetаn Lotᴜѕ Floweг іѕ аn іnсгedіblу гагe аnd exqᴜіѕіte ѕіɡһt tһаt саn onlу Be ѕeen іn tһe ѕnow-саррed moᴜntаіnѕ of Tіbet onсe e...

admin 3 Apr, 2023

Little beauties - Cypripedium calceolus

These little beauties are called Cypripedium calceolus they are a lady's-slipper orchid, and the type species of the genus Cypripe...

admin 15 Jan, 2023

157-Year-Old Shipwreck Hull in Australia Transforms Into ‘Floating Forest’ With Mangrove Trees

Off the shores of Australia, a 19th-century steamship sits in the sea, overrun by mangrove trees. What now looks like a carefully c...

admin 13 Jan, 2023

The Walking Trees of Ecuador: They Reportedly Move Up to 20 Meters Per Year

The  Socratea Exorrhiza  is perhaps the world’s only mobile tree. They say it's complicated system of roots also serves as legs, ...

admin 4 Jan, 2023

“Spiders Web” tree (also known as Strangler Fig)

The knotted branches of a ‘Spider’s Web’ tree (also known as ‘Strangler Fig’) Nanning, Guangxi, China. “Strangler fig, also ca...

admin 2 Jan, 2023

Yes, 4,800-years-plus-old tree still alive

A Facebook post claims to show the “oldest known bristlecone pine (Pinυs longaeva), estimated to be 4,852 years old”. The 22 March 20...

admin 20 Dec, 2022