
A Shimmering Combination Of Burgundy Contrasts Perfectly With This Birds Pure White Wings -Meet The Pompadour Cotinga!

Just when you think you have seen every color a bird can be, you get surprised again. Proof of this is easy to find should you ever be luc...

admin 18 Jun, 2023

A Tiny Bird That Somehow Manages To Squeeze Seven Different Hues Onto Its Tiny Body Creating A Dazzling Rainbow of Color – Meet The Many-colored Rush Tyrant!

Boldly patterned, colorful plumage is not unique to any one particular bird species, nor is unique to one particular size of the bird. Thi...

admin 18 Jun, 2023

Touching Moment A Rescued Owl Adopts Two Orphaned Chicks (Pics & Video)

This is the heartwarming story of a rescued tawny owl named Luna, who adopted a pair of orphaned chicks after her eggs failed to hatch. Th...

admin 18 Jun, 2023

Characterized By Its Stunning Plumage, This Richly Colored Bird Is Strikingly Beautiful- Meet The Carmine Bee-eater!

Both males and females of this species look very similar, though in some cases their eyes may be a different color! The largest most...

admin 18 Jun, 2023

A Deep Pink Throat, And Eyebrows, Blends Seamlessly With His Raspberry Pink Body, Creating A Graceful Flying Cotton Candy Of A Bird -Meet The Pink-browed Rosefinch!

Described as a flying “fluffy ball of cotton candy,” this graceful, bright raspberry-pink bird is about as cute as a little bird can get. ...

admin 18 Jun, 2023

Their Eye Burning, Iridescent, Bright Red Belly Pops In Spectacular Fashion From Plumage That Is Almost Exclusively Pure Snow White!

An iridescent bright red belly pops from a bird wearing a highly distinctive snow-white vest! Meet the Ivory-breasted Pita The  ivor...

admin 18 Jun, 2023

It Is His Glittering Orange Throat Is What Easily Distinguishes Him From Everyone Else!

It’s his fiery orange throat that distinguishes him from all other hummingbirds in his very limited range! Meet Scintillant Hummingb...

admin 18 Jun, 2023