A Dog’s New Life: How a Stray Found a Loving Home


A dog that was abandoned and left to fend for itself on the streets of Hanoi, Vietnam has found a new family and a new life. The dog, named Lucky, was rescued by a local animal shelter after months of being banished by his former owners. Lucky was severely malnourished, injured, and infested with parasites when he was brought to the shelter. He also suffered from anxiety and fear of humans.

The shelter staff worked hard to nurse Lucky back to health and to socialize him with other dogs and people. They also posted his story and photos on social media, hoping to find him a suitable adopter. That’s when Nguyen Thi Lan, a 35-year-old teacher, saw Lucky’s picture and felt an instant connection. She contacted the shelter and arranged to meet Lucky in person.

“I was looking for a dog to adopt for a long time, but I couldn’t find the right one. When I saw Lucky’s photo, I knew he was the one. He looked so sad and lonely, but also so sweet and gentle. I wanted to give him a chance to be happy and loved,” Lan said.

Lan adopted Lucky and took him home, where he met his new human brother, 10-year-old Tran Minh Anh. Anh was also excited to have a new furry friend and quickly bonded with Lucky. He said he likes to play with Lucky, feed him, and take him for walks.

“Lucky is very smart and obedient. He learns new tricks fast and listens to me. He is also very friendly and playful. He likes to chase balls, run around the yard, and cuddle with me. He makes me laugh a lot,” Anh said.

Lucky has been living with his new family for two months now and has adjusted well to his new environment. He has gained weight, healed from his wounds, and grown a shiny coat of fur. He also shows more confidence and trust in humans, especially his new owners.

“Lucky is like a miracle. He has changed so much since we adopted him. He is happier, healthier, and more energetic. He is also very loyal and affectionate. He follows me everywhere and always wants to be near me. He is the best dog ever,” Lan said.

Lucky’s story is one of many that show the benefits of adopting stray dogs instead of buying them from pet shops or breeders. Adopting a dog not only saves a life but also provides a loving companion that can enrich one’s life in many ways.

The shelter that rescued Lucky is one of the few animal welfare organizations in Vietnam that provide care and protection for stray dogs and cats. The shelter relies on donations and volunteers to operate and faces many challenges such as lack of funds, space, and resources. The shelter hopes that more people will support their cause and help more animals like Lucky find their forever homes.

If you are interested in adopting a dog or cat from the shelter, you can visit their website or their Facebook page for more information.

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