Top 7 common skin diseases in dogs: general symptoms and treatment

  1.     Allergic dermatitis


This is a condition where the dog’s skin becomes inflamed and itchy due to an allergic reaction to something in the environment, food, or flea saliva. The symptoms may include redness, rash, blisters, hot spots, hair loss, and scratching. The treatment depends on identifying and avoiding the allergen, and using medication to relieve the inflammation and itching.


2.     Mange


This is a condition caused by mites that burrow into the dog’s skin and cause irritation, hair loss, scabs, sores, and secondary infections. There are different types of mites that cause different types of mange, such as demodectic mange, sarcoptic mange, and cheyletiella mange. The treatment involves using medication to kill the mites and treat the skin lesions.


3.     Ringworm


This is a fungal infection that affects the dog’s skin, hair, and nails. It causes circular patches of red, raised, hairless, itchy skin that can spread to other parts of the body or to other animals or humans. The treatment requires persistent and appropriate medication, time, monitoring, and patience as well as cleaning the environment.


4.     Pyoderma


This is a bacterial infection that affects the dog’s skin and causes pus-filled blisters, crusts, redness, swelling, and pain. It can be caused by various factors such as trauma, allergies, parasites, hormonal imbalances, or immune system disorders. The treatment involves using antibiotics and topical solutions to clear the infection and address the underlying cause.


5.     Seborrhea


This is a condition where the dog’s skin produces too much oil (sebum) and causes greasy, dry, and dandruff-ridden skin. It can also lead to bacterial and yeast infections that cause a strong odor and dermatitis. The treatment involves using medicated shampoos and supplements to regulate the oil production and treat the secondary infections.


6.     Folliculitis


This is a condition where the hair follicles become inflamed and infected due to various causes such as allergies, parasites, trauma, or immune system disorders. The symptoms may include bumps, pustules, scabs, hair loss, and itching. The treatment involves using antibiotics and topical solutions to clear the infection and address the underlying cause.


7.     Hot spots


These are patches of red, infected skin that appear very quickly, look wet and often weep. They are caused by excessive licking or scratching due to various factors such as allergies, parasites, wounds, or stress. The treatment involves clipping the hair around the area, cleaning it with antiseptic solution, applying medication to reduce inflammation and infection, and preventing further licking or scratching with a cone collar or bandage


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