Top 10 Hilarious Pics That Prove Boxers Are The Funniest Dogs Ever

  Boxers have taken over the internet with their comical, sweet, and friendly personalities, but did you know that they were bred as guard dogs during ancient times? Fast forward to today; they make loving and humorous family companions.

In this article, we're going to spread some positive energy with these 10 Hilarious photos that prove Boxer Dogs are the funniest breed ever!

#1 He’s a contortionist and a ballet dancer, too!

#2 “Ok! I caught it! Now, what do I do with it?”

#3 The winner of the Biggest Derp Competition goes to the White Boxer!!!!

#4 Partners in crime...

#5 Damn it, Steve! I almost left a puddle over here.

#6 Shuddup!

#7 Her name is Daisy, of course.

#8 Run doggo run! You don’t stand a chance.

#9 It helps relax the back and spine...

#10 And I’m gonna sit like this until you fetch my bed!

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