No one wants me?

  This puppy lost his mother in a terrible warehouse accident. And, rather than help the traumatized puppy, the workers only added to his pain.

The rescue got a call about a young puppy whose mother was killed when a heavy load fell on her at a warehouse. Rather than comfort the puppy, the workers there were mean to the puppy and chased him away.

The puppy had been living at the warehouse with his mom when she was killed. He didn’t have a home to go to and was much too young to be on his own. Fortunately, someone notified an animal rescue and they rushed there to try to help.

When they arrived on the scene, the white and brown spotted puppy was so afraid he ran away crying. He screeched when touched and was terrified of the people trying to help him.

And, who could blame the puppy for the way he was treated? He didn’t deserve what was happening to him, but the rescue workers were not about to give up on him no matter how hard he tried to hide or how far he ran.

Finally, the scared puppy was cornered and they were able to try to show him that they meant no harm. But he was so afraid, he’d cower. He wasn’t going to make it easy to earn his trust. So, they gave him some food and water and hoped they could reach him that way.

But the puppy was too scared to accept the food and water, so they tried to hand-feed him. But he still wasn’t willing to accept food that way so they did all they could and caught him up so they could take him somewhere safe.

Once there, the puppy was so afraid, he tried to shut down. He was even scared of the other puppies but that didn’t stop the other dogs from trying to be his friend. But he proved to be a challenge due to all his trauma.

But finally, after all their patience, he accepted help. He drank water and ate raw chicken, the first meal he was willing to eat. After that, he even began exploring a bit even though he wasn’t ready to be friends.

Surprisingly, the first friend he made was with a kitty and then he began to play with toys. The tiny pup was coming out of his shell and now the real work of helping him learn to trust people could begin.

With the help of the rescue and his kitty friend, the puppy learned that humans could be trusted. After that, he began to turn into a happy, playful puppy that would one day find the perfect forever home.

We hope you enjoyed watching his amazing transformation. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.

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