Man Can’t Stop Crying Tears Of Joy When He Finds Out He Can Keep His Foster Dog

  Ann Hoang didn’t expect their first foster dog experience to be so life-changing, particularly for her husband. At the time, the Hoangs wanted to add another dog to their family, but they already had their first dog, Charlie, to take care of.

The family wasn’t sure if they could manage the responsibility of having another dog. Instead of adopting, they decided to try out fostering.

The Hoangs figured that if they could handle fostering a dog, then they could adopt a rescue dog. This is how the Hoangs met Toby.

Toby is a rescue dog from South Korea that was flown to a U.S. safe house. He was rescued from the shelter by “Band For Animal,” a non-profit organization that aims to save dogs from being euthanized or becoming a victim of the meat-market trade.

Fortunately, Toby was quickly placed in the Hoangs’ care. At first, Toby was terrified and cautious of his new surroundings. Little by little, and with lots of love from his foster family, Toby got comfortable.

On the first night, Toby sat down next to Mr. Hoang, and they instantly bonded with each other. After that night, Toby began to show his personality, and Charlie even started to love him.

The family became inseparable. In just a week, Toby made everyone fall in love with him. It broke Ann Hoang’s heart to think about how they all would be so sad if Toby got adopted.

“We had two families who wanted to schedule a meeting with Toby, and when that happened, I just realized how crushed my husband would be without him,” Ann Hoang told The Dodo.

“It had only been one week, but my husband and Toby were inseparable. My husband is such a giving person, always putting others before himself. He’s never really asked for anything or wanted anything badly,” Hoang continued.

Ann decided to contact the shelter with the intention of officially adopting Toby. Since adopting a dog requires a home inspection, she planned with the staff to surprise her husband.

The team who visited the Hoangs to do the home check pretended to be Toby’s potential adopters. After the home evaluation, the staff provided the Hoangs with a card that indicated that they were letting the family officially adopt Toby.

A staff member handed the card to Mr. Hoang, and as soon as he opened it, he cried so hard that everyone in the room cried, too!

“I thought he would be happy but never in a million years did I think he would cry so much,” Ann Hoang said, “I have never seen him react this way to anything before! He is sensitive, but this was more than I’ve ever seen.”

Top 7 Most Suitable Foods to Restore Health to Dogs When They are Sick

1.      Chicken and rice.

Chicken and rice are primary ingredients in many dog foods, and these mild foods tend to work well for sick dogs. Use boneless, skinless chicken breasts and white rice. Boil the chicken until it is cooked through and shred it into small pieces. Cook the rice according to the package directions and mix it with the chicken. You can also add some chicken broth for extra flavor and hydration. Feed your dog small portions of this bland diet until their symptoms improve.

2.  Shredded chicken.

 Shredded chicken is easy on an upset stomach and is usually a highly desirable food for dogs who have lost their appetite. You can see…SEE MORE


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