Injured Dog Receives Coat From Kind Deputy Sheriff After Car Accident

  Chautauqua County’s Deputy Sheriff has touchingly demonstrated that every living being deserved love and compassion.

It was a freezing cold day and the ground was covered in a thick layer of snow when Sgt. Chris Howlett and Deputy Jason Beichine learned that a pup was lying in a ditch next to the highway and was in clear distress.

Despite the harsh weather, Howlett and Beichini decided to jump into action and rescue the poor pup, rather than simply contact animal control and let them deal with it.

When they arrived at the cold and snowy scene, they found the pup in deep distress.

The pup was injured from the impact and was incredibly cold from being left alone in the freezing weather.

Sgt. Howlett knew that the poor pup needed warmth more than him, so he took off his own jacket and wrapped the shivering dog in it to get her temperature up.

Sgt. Howlett and Deputy Beichini were later able to contact the pup’s family, who were relieved to hear that their girl had been found.

The pup, named Rogue, was taken to the vet and thankfully, her injuries were not fatal.

Rogue’s family was incredibly grateful to Howlett and Beichini as well as touched and overwhelmed by the incredible show of support and compassion they received from the public after a picture of Rouge and Sgt. Howlett went viral.

While Sgt.Howlett was wrapping Rogue up in his jacket, a passer-by came upon the touching scene and snapped a photo of the compassionate sheriff and the grateful pup.

The sheriff’s department received a  copy of the photo and decided to post it to their Facebook to honor the two heroes and spread some love and positivity.

But they hadn’t expected just how deeply the photo would resonate with people, and how fast it would be shared and spread.

The photo quickly went viral as people were relieved that Rogue would be okay, and overjoyed to see such wonderful compassion and heroism in a world that is often painted as bleak and unfriendly.

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