Hero Officer Ran Onto Busy Interstate To Save A Dog That Was Hit By A Car

  Officer Joseph Puglia has proved himself to be a true hero after he risked his own life to save a dog in need.

A little pup found himself in grave danger after he wandered onto a busy interstate and got struck by a car.

Luckily, Officer Puglia saw what happened and acted quickly.

Despite the serious danger to life and limb, Puglia stopped his car and rushed out onto Interstate 272 in order to save the hurt pup.

At first, Puglia wasn’t sure if the pup had survived the impact, but then he drew a breath of relief when he saw that the pup was still breathing.

He wrapped the dog in an emergency blanket and then carried it back to his car.

Once the pup was safely in the car, Puglia notified dispatch of the situation and they, in turn, notified Pinellas Animal Hospital that Puglia was on his way to them with a hurt dog.

Once Puglia and the pup got to the hospital, the pup received a thorough medical examination.

The vet then revealed the fantastic news that the little pup had not received any life-threatening injuries. He’d been left with some minor cuts and some soreness but was expected to make a full recovery.

After receiving treatment for his minor wounds, the pup was taken to the local animal shelter where he was waiting for his family to claim him.

Nobody has been able to locate his family, but even if no one comes forward to claim him, he won’t have to spend too much time in the shelter.

Officer Puglia’s family members have expressed a wish to adopt the little pup if his original family never turns up.

The pup has been nicknamed “Lucky” and it’s certainly a fitting name; while some people devalue animal lives and don’t think they are as important as human lives, there are also people like Officer Puglia in the world who value all lives – big and small, human and non-human, and luckily, Puglia happened to be at the right place at the right time.

Puglia saved this little pup’s life, and we’re sure that Lucky is forever grateful to him.

Top 7 Most Suitable Foods to Restore Health to Dogs When They are Sick

    Chicken and rice.

Chicken and rice are primary ingredients in many dog foods, and these mild foods tend to work well for sick dogs. Use boneless, skinless chicken breasts and white rice. Boil the chicken until it is cooked through and shred it into small pieces. Cook the rice according to the package directions and mix it with the chicken. You can also add some chicken broth for extra flavor and hydration. Feed your dog small portions of this bland diet until their symptoms improve.


2. Shredded chicken.

 Shredded chicken is easy on an upset stomach and is usually a highly desirable food for dogs who have lost their appetite. You can use...SEE MORE

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