Blind And Deaf Dog No One Wanted Now Looks After Every Sick Foster Animal His Human Brings Home

  Life has not always been kind to Shero, but he has not allowed that to make him cynical or unkind.

Instead, this sweet pup has decided to become a source of security and comfort to other foster animals.

Shero knows all too well how scary it can be to come to a new home; though Shero has a warm and loving home now, that hasn’t always been the case.

Shero is not only deaf but also partially blind and as a result, he’s had a tough time finding a forever home.

He’s lived in 2 shelters, and 12 foster homes and has even been adopted four times only to be brought back each time.

But eventually, he met Sheryl Smith, and in her, he finally found someone who was ready to love him for who he was – disabilities and all.

Smith already had a history of caring for animals in need and when she met Shero she knew that she had to adopt him.

Shero is so happy to have finally found a family who loves him, and since getting adopted by Smith he’s been determined to spread the joy and “pass it forward.”

Shero does his best to help all the animals that Smith agrees to take home and foster.

Shero does everything in his power to make the needy animals feel safe and loved.

He gives them encouraging licks and kisses and tries to be a source of comfort.

In an interview with The Dodo, Smith said:

”Just after his rescue l rescued a pregnant dog who was too sick to care for her pups, so [Shero] climbed in with them and started cleaning them. He’s done that with every rescue I take in. He will just sit patiently with the feral cats/kittens and bonds so strongly with them, they trust him before they trust me.”

It makes sense that Sherio cares so much about the animals he helps foster; after all, he’s been in the same situation. Many times. Too many times.

Although Shero is safe and sounds in his new, permanent, home, he still struggles with separation anxiety as a result of his past.

Smith explained to the Dodo that “he still to this day cries in the car because he thinks he’s being dropped off somewhere else.”

But  Smith and her family and doing everything they can to grow his confidence.

And meanwhile, Sherio has become a great source of strength for many animals in need.

We’re so proud of this good boy and we’re happy he’s finally got a beautiful family who will always remind him that he is safe, loved, and has a permanent place in their hearts and home.

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