Staffordshire terrier: How to feed this breed?


Caring for the Staffordshire terrier is not particularly difficult. However, as in the case of other breeds, the owner must pay special attention to the animal's diet, since an adequate and healthy diet is the key to the animal's longevity.

The proper nutrition of our dog is linked to many factors: its age, its lifestyle, its health conditions, and its breed.

In fact, a Staffordshire bull terrier has specific nutritional needs, which we must consider when feeding him.

And, of course, every dog ​​owner wants their beloved four-legged friend to be well, to live a happy life together.

Staffordshire terriers are big appetite dogs, and it's easy to be persuaded to give them treats when they have puppy eyes. But this is not a good idea: these dogs can easily gain weight.

For this, we must pay attention to what we feed our dog, and the nutrients to be provided and not.

General rules for feeding the Staffordshire Terrier

The Staffordshire terrier is a muscular and powerful dog that needs constant exercise and quality food. It is a balanced diet that allows for keeping the animal's shape in a normal state.

There are several general rules that the owner must follow when feeding their four-legged friend:

 It is mandatory to have foods enriched with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as they affect the functioning of internal organs and help in gaining muscle mass.

  • When buying a puppy from a breeder, you should ask about his diet and follow the recommendations received for the first few weeks.
  • All new foods are introduced gradually, observing the dog's condition.
  • The Staffordshire terrier should be fed twice a day: in the morning and in the evening after walking. It is not worth giving the dog food before walking.

The basis of the Staffordshire terrier diet

Many wonder what to feed the Staffordshire terrier and how to properly compose his diet, as the activity and health of the dog depend on it.

It is not difficult to calculate the menu of the day: it is necessary to take into account the age, sex, weight and activity of the animal.

If industrial nutrition is chosen, up to 40 grams per kilogram of dog weight. If natural nutrition is used, then 50-60 grams per kilogram of animal weight.

Important! If the dog is highly active, you will need to increase the amount of food by 15%, otherwise, he will be constantly hungry.

If the owner feeds the animal with natural food, then the basis of the diet should be meat. It can be served alone or with vegetables and cereals.

If, as a rule, there are no difficulties with the nutrition of an adult dog, then the question of how to feed a puppy causes some difficulties for owners.

Thus, the puppy's diet should be based on vitamins such as A, B, C, D, E and trace elements.

When necessary, vitamin complexes can be added, but according to what the veterinarian recommends.

Nutrition is a ritual that has its own rules:

  • You need to develop a schedule for eating. The dog must eat 2 times a day and at a strictly stipulated time. It is unacceptable to leave the bowl in constant access.
  • Dishes with food and water should be placed on a stand. When eating, the head, neck and back should be in a straight line.

Important! Staffordshire Terriers of any age should not be given pork, this meat does not suit them.

What kind of food to choose

There are no clear recommendations on how to feed the Stafford, so the owner, at his discretion, can choose both industrial food and natural food.

Ready-to-eat dog food

Many people choose dry dog ​​food because the option is convenient because the owner does not have to spend time cooking for the dog.

In addition, the composition of the finished product contains all the substances necessary for the normal life of the animal.

Ready-to-eat food is purchased based on the dog's age and activity. There are also products for dogs with allergies and pathological diseases.

Natural products

The basis of the diet is meat, which must constitute 55% of all the food that the animal consumes during the day.

But, you should not boil it as this leads to nutrient loss. About 30% are vegetables. Of these, we can offer:

  • Beet;
  • Carrot;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Zucchini;
  • Vegetation.

The remaining percentage of the diet is taken up by vegetables (rice and wheat), dairy products and fruits.

The dog must have a bowl full of clean water at all times.

What not to feed

It is necessary to know exactly not only what to feed am staff, but also what is forbidden to give it:

  • Candy;
  • Salty;
  • Fried and fatty foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • Spices;
  • legumes;
  • Boiled potatoes.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to give your pet human food.

Feeding a Staffordshire terrier puppy

For puppies of different ages, meals are organized taking into account their specific characteristics.

up to 2 months

Most of the time, puppies fewer than 2 months old live with their mother and feed on her milk.

At 3-6 months

A 3-month-old puppy should already be fed less frequently, about 4 times a day. But the portion is increased.

up to 1 year

Pups at 8 months of age are gradually transferred to food 2 times a day.

From one year or more

At this age, the main part of the diet is meat and offal. Raw minced meat is offered once a week.

In addition, the menu includes cereal, dairy and vegetables. If the dog suffers from allergies, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian about food selection.

What to feed the Staffordshire terrier during pregnancy and after giving birth

During the gestation period, the female needs more meat and a minimum of fiber. That's why the diet should be 75% meat and offal. It is also necessary to give the female:

  • yogurt;
  • cheese;
  • fish;
  • Vegetable.

Important! In the 9th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to stop giving the animals foods that contain potassium.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

A dog, during the growth period, needs a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. The vitamin complex should include vitamins A, B, C, D, E.

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