Natural herbal remedies to help your dog's digestion

Natural herbal remedies to aid your dog's digestion are great to use in your pet's routine.

That's because they are efficient and at the same time have fewer side effects than common drugs.

It is often necessary to use some of them because the stomach and abdominal pain are very common in dogs.

The most common occur is gastritis, but there are several other problems that dogs usually manifest.

You notice that the animal is in some discomfort because it will show pain, lethargy, belly swelling and difficulty breathing.

 When noticing any sign of this type, it is essential to seek the help of a veterinary doctor to make the diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate treatment.

And more and more professionals prefer to use natural herbal remedies to help the dog's digestion.

In this text, we will talk a little about this topic, but keep in mind that the information contained here is not a substitute for veterinary advice.

 What are the main causes of indigestion in dogs?

First, it is very important to know that the sign of indigestion in dogs can be confused with other problems.

So, it is essential to understand what are the main problems that lead animals to have pain in the abdominal region.

There are several that can be mentioned, including:

  • Colitis and inflammation of the large intestine;
  • Parvovirus;
  • Distemper ;
  • Constipation and difficulty defecating;
  • stomach twist;
  • Gastrointestinal obstruction;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • Inadequate absorption of nutrients;
  • Presence of parasites in the stomach or intestine;
  • Abscess in some areas of ​​the digestive tract;
  • Bacterial infection of the intestine or uterus;
  • Obstruction of bile and renal ducts;
  • Signs of poisoning;
  • tumors;
  • Allergy or intolerance to certain foods.

Taking into account all these situations that can cause a dog to have a stomachache, it is essential to have the help of a veterinarian for the proper diagnosis.

The practitioner should choose the most recommended treatment, which can often contain natural herbal remedies.

Everything will depend on the condition of the animal and special attention must be paid to puppies that are more sensitive to imbalances and abdominal pain.

Herbs Most Used for Indigestion in Dogs

There are many herbs used to relieve indigestion in dogs, and it is important to know some of the most commonly used herbs in these cases.

Many of them enter the composition of medicines or manipulated formulas. But it is also possible to offer the herb in nature in many cases.

So, here's a short list of plant-based ingredients that can help your dog:

  • Chamomile: It is excellent for reducing stomach inflammation, and relieving pain and nausea. It is possible to offer the tea to the dog alternating with water. Do this even when the animal is fasting;
  • Golden-seal: It is an excellent medicine for indigestion because it has antimicrobial properties, being especially useful in the case of bacterial infections. Make tea with the herb and offer it to the dog at least three times a day;
  • Peppermint: It is one of the natural herbal remedies that help with digestion. The herb helps improve the digestive process of animals, facilitating the work of the stomach and intestine in the process;
  • Ginger:  Long known for its medicinal properties for humans, ginger can also help animals. It is possible to use this vegetable in the form of tea and offer a small amount to the animal three times a day.

Although the herbs mentioned above are the most common for pets, there are other teas that can help your dog's digestion.

It is even possible to include them in everyday life, even if the animal does not have serious problems. Are they:

  • Lavender:  helps in relieving general pain, and indigestion and also reduces anxiety;
  • Bilberry:  works well as a laxative, in addition to eliminating intestinal gas and stimulating the production of bile by the liver;
  • Espinheira-Santa:  reduces excess stomach acidity, improving the manifestation of reflux and heartburn;
  • Neem:  promotes gastritis relief, aids healing, and works to improve the immune system and regulate blood glucose;
  • Mint:  helps to eliminate bad breath, improves digestion in general and also works as an airway decongestant;
  • Fennel:  helps relieve gas and abdominal discomfort, as well as being great for reducing anxiety.

Natural remedies for the treatment of gastroenteritis

When the animal is diagnosed with gastroenteritis, it is necessary to have a series of care for it so that the recovery is complete.

And there are some natural herbal medicines that can help during this period, especially after the initial phase, in which fasting is required, with total food deprivation.

In addition to following the veterinarian's recommendations regarding the handling and feeding of the dog, it is possible to discuss with the professional the possibility of including some specific ingredients in the diet.

Meet some of them below:

Natural Remedies – Garlic

If you have a dog, you may have heard that garlic is toxic to these animals. This is a much-discussed topic these days, but the issue is quantity.

Then discuss with the vet if it is interesting to add a clove of garlic to the dog's food daily.

It is known that garlic is an excellent antibacterial and therefore positively helps to fight infections, as well as intestinal ones.

Natural remedies – Probiotics

Basically, probiotics are all food products that contain bacteria that contribute to intestinal flora and digestion.

But it is very important that you look for a specific probiotic for dogs, as this product will have specific microorganisms that will help the dog to recover completely quickly.

Natural Remedies – Nux Vomica or Noz-vomica

This is, in fact, a homeopathic remedy, which has been widely used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in humans and animals.

In this case, it is necessary to use a specific dilution of 7 CH, that is, dilute three grains in approximately 5 mL of water.

The mixture should be given to the dog three times a day to obtain the desired effects. And if you prefer, you can purchase a ready-made solution, but in this case, the recommendation for use may be different.

In addition, the vet may increase the dose depending on the state of your dog's health.

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