How to make the dog stop biting

Many would say that there is nothing cuter in this world than a puppy. They are sweet and cuddly, their fur is soft, they follow you around and… they bite. Puppies have sharp teeth and it really hurts when they bite your hand, foot or any other body part they think would make a nice chew toy!

I often hear people say "it's OK, he's just a puppy", but the reality is that if you don't stop the dog's nibbling habit now, chances are he'll continue to think it's acceptable behavior when he grows up..

Puppies, like humans, are born with baby teeth. Their teeth begin to fall out around three months for a large breed and six months for a small breed. Most dogs, regardless of breed, will have their adult teeth at eight months. During the peak of their teething, puppies get very biting and want to chew and bite everything.

As with most things in training, there are a variety of techniques to teach your dog not to bite. It is important that you find the technique that works best for you and your dog. Here's a list of techniques and tactics showing how to get your dog to stop biting.

1 – Say a very firm “No”

When the puppy bites you, simply say "No" and then give the puppy something he can chew on like a toy or bone. Praise the puppy as soon as it stops biting.

2 – Avoid taking your hands off

Try not to take your hands off when the puppy is biting. While this is our natural response, for the puppy, the hand-taking motion quickly becomes a fun game of “hand-hold”. Instead, leave your hand where it is and say a firm "No." Again, as soon as the puppy stops, praise and give him something he can chew on.

3 – Stop playing

If you are playing with the puppy when he starts biting you, stop playing immediately. It is important to show that the behavior is not acceptable and that the fun will not continue if he bites.

4 – Praise what doesn’t involve biting

Always praise any play that doesn't involve biting. Your dog needs to understand what proper behavior is, not just be corrected for inappropriate behavior.

5 – Separate yourself from the dog

If you have lost complete control, and your dog won't stop biting, you should separate from him. If you have an area outside you can take it there or otherwise just go to another room.

6 – Give your dog something else

Give the puppy something else to do so you can praise him for it. For example, put on a leash and practice training, take him for a walk, or simply change the situation to get him out of the thought of biting.

It is important to have a variety of chew toys for your puppy at home. Leather bones chew sticks and other types of dehydrated animal parts are excellent for your puppy to chew on. If you don't like these kinds of treats or your dog's stomach can't tolerate them, synthetic bones, rope toys are also great. You need to find something your dog really enjoys chewing so he can really get through the phase. As with anything you give a puppy, you should regularly check the toy and monitor what they are eating to ensure they are safe and that they are not ingesting something they are not meant to swallow.

In short, all puppies bite, some more than others. It is important to deal with this and show the puppy that this is not proper behavior. You must be very consistent with your dog and not allow him to bite at any time. Remember that dogs only understand right or wrong. Have a good variety of things for your puppy to chew on and always offer him an alternative to everything he bites!


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