All about Pomeranian Lulu


The Pomeranian Lulu dog, also known as the Dwarf German Spitz, which most resembles a little fox, belongs to the Toy group and is cute.

Intelligent and easy to train, he can be a good companion for seniors and is great to have in apartments. Despite his petite size, he is best known for being the little dog who thinks he can do anything. Can you believe?

Race history

The Pomeranian Lulu dog breed belongs to the Spitz family, which includes the Samoyed, Schipperke, Alaskan malamute and Elkhound and is the smallest of them all. Its name comes from the historic region of Pomerania that is on the border between Germany and Poland and just south of the Baltic Sea, where it was developed from ancient Spitz breeds from the countries further north.

In 1761, some specimens of the breed were taken to England along with Sophie Charlotte, Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz who married the English prince who would later become King George III. At that time, the breed standard was still over 9 kg and the breed had not fallen into popular taste. 

This only became very popular when Queen Victoria allowed some of her Lulus to be shown in an obedience show, in what is considered to be the first Pomeranian Lulu breed show in history. The fact that the queen has a predilection for the smallest individuals of the breed has made breeders increasingly look for smaller sizes for Lulus in their crosses.

Physical characteristics


A small breed, the Pomeranian is reminiscent of a miniature fox with large eyes and a slightly shorter snout. With a compact body, its chest is deep and the back is short.

The high-implanted tail is downy and curly. And its paws are short. It weighs a maximum of 4 kg and its height varies from 18 to 22 cm when it reaches adulthood.

Its coat consists of a double layer of hair, the lower layer being soft, thick and downy, while the upper layer is longer and shiny. In addition, the coat of the Lulus can have different colors and patterns such as: black, black and bronze, greyish, chocolate, chocolate and bronze, cream, white, orange, red, among others.



Self-assured, the Pomeranian is intelligent, lively and very docile with its owners, but distant with strangers. Despite his size, he is a very courageous and self-confident little dog. He's the one who thinks he can do anything, you know? So, be careful about letting him around big dogs.


In addition to being very suspicious of strangers, they are also usually very attentive and make great guard dogs, as they will bark at anyone who approaches and whatever happens. If you don't want a dog barking a lot, teach him the silence command from an early age.

Other than that, as they are more independent, they are great for the elderly and busy people who can't stay at home for a long time.

Breed health and care


Did you know that the Pomeranian Lulu breed dog can live up to 16 years or so? So that he can live well and healthy for so many years, it is worth following the tips given below. And at the slightest sign of trouble, be sure to take him to the vet.

The Pomeranian is a moderately active breed and does not require a lot of physical activity on a daily basis. Short walks spaced throughout the day are fine. Toys are also great. However, Lulu gets sick quickly, so it's always good to vary these hobbies. He really likes to be challenged, so teaching him some tricks might be a good idea.

Other care for the breed includes: brushing the coat 2 to 3 times a week to prevent excessive hair loss; oral hygiene should be done at least once a week, as they are prone to having dental problems; regular nail trimming and the diet includes small portions of 1/4 to 1/2 cup of kibble divided into two meals a day. Baths can also be given regularly.

The ideal place for the breed to live

The Pomeranian is a dog that should preferably live indoors. And it is an excellent breed to have in apartments, due to its size. However, as it is quite sensitive to heat, it is good to leave it in an air-conditioned environment when the weather is very hot.

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