7 Tips for Dealing with an Aggressive Dog

Nobody prepares for having an aggressive dog, and most dog owners are shocked the first time they see their cute little dog growling or trying to bite . In virtually all cases the dog gives warning signs over time, but these are usually ignored or simply not recognized for what they are.

An aggressive dog is not a bad dog, but it is a dog that needs help to change its behavior to go a different way.

To help your dog, you need to make sure you have realistic expectations when dealing with an aggressive dog. Not all dogs can be 100% cured. In many cases you need to try to change your dog's behavior and help him find a different way of dealing with the situation.

The following tips will help you deal with an aggressive dog.

1. Identify the root cause of the aggressive attitude.

It is best not to assume that the dog has been mistreated in any way or is trying to dominate the situation by being aggressive. In most cases, aggression occurs because the dog has not been properly socialized, has genetic issues, or has not received training. Aggressive behavior needs to be identified.

There are many reasons for a dog to behave aggressively, and aggression is often a natural expression of the dog. A dog can be aggressive from a defensive reaction. It can be aggressive due to territorial issues, fear or a combination of factors.

Not knowing what is causing your behavior can lead to an incorrect course of action when trying to fix it and you can accidentally create more problems than you had in the beginning.

2. Do not use confrontation or physical punishment

Do not use confrontational or physical punishment methods to work with an aggressive dog. You won't fix the problem but make it worse.

For example, we may have a fearful dog that growls when a child approaches.

The dog is corrected for growling at the child, and then in future episodes when the dog is uncomfortable with the child's approach it may no longer growl as it fears punishment. Then the child comes a little closer and the dog bites.

Now we have a dog that has stopped warning when it feels uncomfortable and will go straight for the bite.

3. Understand your dog

Learn a dog's stress signals so you can understand what your dog might be feeling at any given time. Dogs have many cues through their body language that can express excitement, fear, anxiety, etc. If you become familiar with what these signs might look like, you can learn to spot them in your own aggressive dog.

It is best to keep a dog, especially an aggressive dog, at levels of stress he can tolerate in order to modify his behavior.

4. Don't put others at risk

Take care not to put other people or animals at risk when working with your aggressive dog. While you want to help your dog, you can't risk hurting others.

For example, never take an unsociable dog to a park to learn how to be friends with other dogs. That's scary for trainers when they hear someone say they've done it!

5. Train Basic Obedience

Basic obedience training is the foundation for working with an aggressive dog. This gives you a way to communicate with your dog and get a dog that listens to the owner in general. This helps a lot when he is in aggressive mode.

Training does not cure aggression, but a dog that comes when called, offers good eye contact, sits on command, lets go when commanded, stays in place when asked, and knows how to walk on a leash are much more likely to modify their aggressive behavior.

6. Make use of the right tools

If necessary, use equipment that does not punish the dog, such as a dog halter instead of a choke collar. They also give you much better control of your dog especially when initially working with him.

Be open to suggestions from your trainer and, if necessary, a veterinarian who specializes in canine behavior. They have experience with a variety of dogs, situations and tools.

You may find that your dog benefits from canine anxiety coats, holistic supplements, or even medications. Even if you think it's an idea that can never work, stay open and seek out more information before making a decision. You never know what the best tools will be to deal with your aggressive dog.

7. Talk to a professional

Finally, seek expert help as soon as you notice the problem.

It is always better to catch the problem early on rather than waiting for it to develop into a serious situation. All dogs show signs at first.

As soon as your dog shows suspicious signs against strangers, growls when he sees an unfamiliar dog on a walk, or tries to restrain him when you try to pick up something, look for a professional.

Don't wait until you can no longer walk your dog around the neighborhood or he has actually bitten someone because it is much harder to fix an established problem than one that is just starting.

It's a good idea to see a professional, specialist in positive training that has experience dealing with aggression as part of your first step to treatment. Never be embarrassed to ask for help as aggression is a serious issue and can also result in legal liability.

You may find working with your aggressive dog challenging initially, but all dogs can improve their behavior with time, patience, and the right methodologies. It's an incredibly rewarding experience to watch your dog grow, improve and become the dog you never imagined you could have when it all started.

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