How Long Should I Feed My Dog Boiled Chicken And Rice?

  How Long Should I Feed My Dog Boiled Chicken And Rice?

Your vet will tell you what signs to look out for to see when your dog is ready to transition off their bland chicken and rice diet and back onto their regular food.

Normally, your dog should only need to be kept on a strict chicken and rice diet for two to three days.

There are exceptions, for example, if you are using chicken and rice as part of an elimination diet or if your dog is recovering from serious surgery.

But after their two or three days on chicken and rice, don’t just switch them back to their standard food. This sudden switch can reignite the problems that caused you to move them onto a bland diet in the first place.

Gradually transition them back onto their regular food over the course of about a week, mixing a little bit of the standard food in with the chicken and rice, and then gradually increasing the proportion of standard food in the mix.

Can Rice And Chicken Constipate A Dog?

A chicken and rice diet should not cause your dog constipation if you are giving them the correct recipe, that is the white meat of chicken (without bones) and white rice. Brown rice can be difficult to digest and therefore cause constipation.

If your dog is becoming constipated on a diet of chicken and rice, drop the rice and just give them shredded chicken. You can also give them a few tablespoons of cooked pumpkin each day, which is full of fiber that will help fight constipation.

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