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Heartbreaking story about “two children” abandoned wandering on the streets

Rommel Quemenales, an 11-year-old Filipino boy from Quezon City, has faced challenges from a very young age due to his parents’ divorce, w...

admin 19 Oct, 2023

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Heartbreaking story about “two children” abandoned wandering on the streets

Rommel Quemenales, an 11-year-old Filipino boy from Quezon City, has faced challenges from a very young age due to his parents’ divorce, w...

admin 19 Oct, 2023

The account of freeing a little dog from a permanent chain. He grabbed my hand and begged for me to save him

The small dog’s life was a bleak existence, defined by the unforgiving length of a chain that bound it to a life of suffering. Day in and ...

admin 19 Oct, 2023

Abandoned and Abused: The touching story of a pitiful dog abandoned by its owner lying on a plank just letting this cruel fate decide

It all started with a girl who saw a puppy left behind by its owner on a wooden bridge. The puppy was called Aqui, and he was fortunate to...

admin 14 Sep, 2023

Heartwarming Tale: Puppy’s Resilience in Overcoming Head Injury Melts Hearts Worldwide. – Mis Animal

A heart-wrenching video captures the tale of a plucky street puppy, struck by a car and left with his neck twisted at an unnatural angle as ...

admin 14 Sep, 2023

The Look of Pain in Her Eyes Said Everything; Rescued Dog Went Through the Worst and is Saved in Time

There has always been a saying that goes, “The eyes are the window of the soul.” In the case of a rescued dog named Hadley, it was evident...

admin 14 Sep, 2023

Huge rescue operation saves 200 dogs from Korean meat and puppy farm and are looking for loving homes now!

Hundreds of poor puppies and dogs have been saved from a South Korean dog meat farm by the animal rights charity - Humane Society Internat...

admin 14 Sep, 2023

A Dog’s New Life: How a Stray Found a Loving Home

A dog that was abandoned and left to fend for itself on the streets of Hanoi, Vietnam has found a new family and a new life. The dog, name...

admin 4 Sep, 2023